About Us

About Company

  • Polycarb Advance Science Pvt. Ltd. is one of the world’s largest global suppliers of GelomerTM (Carbomer). Our high-purity and non-purity derivatives have been reliably used with cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, ayurvedic, food, herbal etc. industry.
  • We are recognized as a safe, reliable choice for the consistent supply of high-quality polymers.
  • Our broad portfolio of advanced technologies, Western based network of GMP manufacturing site, and extensive knowledge across chemistry, biotechnology and process engineering has been providing companies with peace-of-mind in the high-quality supply of their small molecule over decades.
  • So that our polymer technologies during differentiated solutions to enhance functional performance, deliver esthetic benefits and superior sensory experience to help consumers to live a better/more beautiful life.
  • India has become the global polymer chemical manufacturing hub due to its lower cost, high quality and geographical advantages. Additionally, Indian companies has acquired global accreditations and certifications which make them preferred supplier to the end users/customers.
  • Polycarb Advance Science Pvt. Ltd. brings you one of the most innovative and substantiated portfolios of Polymers.

14 + Years in Work


Polycarb Advance Scinece Pvt. Ltd. Dedictaes itself to providing polymer technology solutions in carbomer user industries.


To provide a wide range of high-tech products to meet the needs of modern chemical requirements and that suits all applications of it.